SMETA PILLAR 4 (SEDEX Member Ethical Trade Audit)
SMETA’s role is to align social audit standards and monitoring practices, to ease the auditing burden on suppliers by sharing reports and driving improvements in supply chain labour standards. SMETA 4-Pillar audits add more extensive environmental management requirements as well as business practices. Reporting can be done through the SEDEX database.
How do you benefit?
- Working conditions are analyzed.
- An auditor physically attends our factory, enabling the auditor to assess the conditions on the ground.
- The Social audit enables our business to assess our suppliers, monitor health and safety of our workers, and signal zero tolerance of human rights abuses such as child and forced labour.
- Environmental sustainability of our factory is investigated and documented.
- Once the audit is complete, buyer and supplier businesses can work together to address any issues, based on a Corrective Action Plan (CAPR)